Located 2 miles from Birmingham city centre, Martineau Gardens is a registered charity with 2.5 acres of organically managed landscapes, a hidden gem many locals are unaware of, the gardens are an oasis of nature and wildlife open to all.

Martineau Gardens received funding from the Bring it on Brum! programme to deliver a programme specifically aimed at families living in temporary accommodation in which conditions can often be challenging for families, isolating for children and with limited access to safe, green spaces.

Bring it on Brum! funding often has a much wider impact than simply providing funded spaces to children and young people across the city, it gives local organisations access to training and equipment to improve their year-round provision.

“I think we would have struggled to provide the equipment, and the fresh produce delivery was brilliant. The training was great at giving us the confidence to deliver these food-based activities.”

“We also now feed all of our volunteers daily and have more of an awareness of where we can source surplus, or wonky, fruit and veg and are looking into regular donations of food from ASDA and Warburtons bread.” Martineau Gardens