Local Area SEND Newsletter – November 2022

Welcome to our November 2022 partnership newsletter from the teams working together to deliver SEND services in Birmingham City Council, the NHS and Birmingham Children’s Trust.


SEND Toolkit

A toolkit for engaging and supporting children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

Data from the holiday activity and food programme (HAF) during 2021 showed that the proportion of disabled children and young people and those with special educational needs (SEN) participating in HAF activities has varied significantly across the country.

There are a number of challenges and barriers to participation that have been identified by HAF
coordinators and providers.

This toolkit is designed to share information, tools and learning from local authorities and HAF
providers to enable eligible disabled children and young people and those with special educational
needs (SEN) to be as involved as possible in the HAF opportunities in their local area.


All About Me – A simple approach to help you assess the SEND needs of a child attending your holiday club.

If you need support when assessing the SEND needs of children attending your holiday club, please make use of this simple form used by Midland Mencap. Just use of the sections that are relevant to your club and the needs you feel able to cater for. We hope you find this form a useful resource to help you have conversations with parents in a sensitive manner, whilst still ensuring you gather vital information that will mean you are able to confidently cater for the needs of the child.

Midland Mencap All About Me Form